Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Happy Halloween!!
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Tuesday, 16 October 2007
My lucky day!
It must be my lucky day because when I arrived home today, there was a refund cheque in the post!
If you remember my earlier post which I've moaned about bad customer service, surprise surprise... after all my frustration... they actually refund the payment to me.
With the extra cash that I thought I've lost... perhaps... it's time for shopping? heheheh :)
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Monday, 15 October 2007

And more friends! :)
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Sunday, 14 October 2007
Shame on me!
Yes, I know I've said that I WILL NOT join Facebook, but sadly... I've succumb to peer pressure. I'm now on Facebook.
Pride aside... add me! :P
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Tuesday, 9 October 2007
A year older, a year wiser?
But oh well, Happy Birthday to me...
And hopefully... it'll be a good year ahead!

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Monday, 8 October 2007
1286 miles

Our first stop was Perth... hehehe... yeah, guess what? You don't have to go all the way to Australia to visit Perth!

After the short detour for breakfast, we headed off to the famous Loch area (it's the Scottish equivalent of Lake District)

Just look at how clear the water is...

And this is one of the weapons that they used during the war
Okay... and now our (or rather Peter's) attempt at being artistic... Our own series of pictures which I shall call... erm... the Squares Series? hahahahaha... :P

Ooh... and now... me and Nessie! Hehehe... yes, really that's what the Scots call the Loch Ness monster!

And the guys saw what? They saw Nessie at the dolphins' play area?????
Well... after we gave up on trying to sight the dolphins... we headed off to Edinburgh to have our lunch...

After lunch we moved on the Berwick... er.. don't ask me where that is... somehow the guys just closed their eyes and pointed on the map... and so here we are, at Berwick... and visiting this nearby island called Holy Island...

To make sure that we don't end up getting stranded on the island when the tide comes in... we headed back to Berwick after sunset...

On Monday morning... we made our way home, back to London...

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Sunday, 7 October 2007
Random jottings
I'm finally free from exams! (well, at least for the time being! :P). It's really a great feeling to not have it nagging at the back of my mind all the time... and it's good to just enjoy what life have to offer.
I made an important decision this week. I don't know whether it's the right decision or not, but I'm determined not to regret this decision. I hope that I have the will power to stick to this decision. I don't know what is waiting for me around the corner, but if I don't even try to turn around... I'll never find out... a step, no matter how small will hopefully get me there... (I hope!).
Have been really busy at work. Hope I'm not losing sight of the big picture by trying to balance so many eggs at the same time. But I'm glad to be busy, it's always good to have interesting things to do and even better if it's challenging (although it can be frustrating sometimes when the model just don't seem to be doing what I think it should be!)
Finally, I managed to cross some of the items on my to-do-list which is more than a few months old... because I've been pushing it back due to the exams.
And last but not least, I want to make a resolution (yes, I know it's not new year... but let's just say that it's a birthday resolution!) to be more positive and optimistic. Sure, many people would say that I've got a lot to be happy about and to be optimistic about... It's good that people believe in me on what they think that I can achieve in life, but I have my share of doubts and insecurities... and I know I have been very pessimistic in the past (although that doesn't mean that I don't try or simply give up)... it just means that I tend to thread more cautiously and always try to mentally prepare myself for the worse case scenario... but I want that to change now... I want to embrace life more open-mindedly... and that includes believing in the endless opportunities out there and that happiness is not too far away.
Okay, I think I should stop rambling... it's 3am in the morning. I should stop and go to bed. I think I'm not making any sense anymore! So... Good night!
Tomorrow will be a better day! :)
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