Nav decided one random weekend that we should go to Camden market...
And I'm glad that we did... it was something different... (as compared to us staying at home with me watching shows / playing cubes on his ipod touch... and him playing poker)
Aawww... isn't it pretty?
Heheh... I bought my little beanie that day so I made him take pictures of it with me... hehehe...
Camden is also known as London's Little Venice due to the canals that surround the buildings... one could really pretend that they are in Venice!!! hahahaha...
And of course, the famous Camden Market... it's quite interesting to visit markets... and Camden Market is really unique... the stuff that they sell there... it's really different...
And some bits... it does remind me of Petaling Street hehehe...
Nav was so excited over these little stalls...
And he especially liked these sign plaque stalls... he just kept on buying and buying different things.. like a little kid in willy wonka's chocolate factory!!!
/span> There's a gothic and edgy feel to the whole place which I found very interesting...