Wednesday, 25 March 2009


My iPod touch has arrived!!! Gosh... I really did succumb to peer pressure, did I not?? Or is it kiasuism?? Hahahaha... since everyone around me has one... I finally have my own iPod touch!!!

Any fun apps to recommend?? No prizes for guessing which is the first apps I bought... hahahaha..... now I can play cubes whenever I want!!! hehehehe... :P

(I also use it for more educational / intellectual stuff ok?? er... like reading the news on the tube like what Bin Bin suggested me to do...)

Sunday, 22 March 2009


The guys just decided one night (while they are drunk) that we shall all go to Newcastle to celebrate Zhi Rui's birthday... so the following weekend, we rented a car and drove all the way up north on Friday night...

And after a long long 5 hours drive between Naveen and Bin Bin... we arrived at Newcastle!!

Once we had some sleep... we went out to the city centre for breakfast...

Newcastle city centre tour... it was a bit nolstagic for both Drake and Bin Bin since they both went to Newcastle university...

The guys, trying to act cool... hahahaha....

Since it was really windy (although it was sunny! yipee!)... and I'm telling you, the wind was so strong that it was so difficult to walk against the wind to cross the Gateshead Millinieum Bridge... and the bridge was actually swaying in the wind furiously...

Anyway, to run away from the wind for a bit, we decided to go into the Baltic Museum...

There was this really interesting exhibition called Learning To Love You More. It's an art project by two American artists by creating inspirational assignments for people to participate in and express their creativity.... for more information go to

The assignments list...

This is assignment #67 Repair something

And this guy actually repaired this war-torn building.... DIGITALLY.... hahaha... thought that this was really funny and creative...

And after that, we just loiter around the shopping mall to wait for night fall... where we went clubbing till the wee hours of the morning!!! Which we haven't done in such a long long long long long time... Sorry... didn't bring my camera along so no pictures!!!

The next day... we went to catch the football match between Newcastle and Everton... We stopped by at the Shearer's Bar before the match...

Everyone holding their tickets... and the whole trip is Zhi Rui's birthday pressie...

Group photo!!

Me pretending to be a fan by stealing Nav's Newcastle scarf...

The stadium is really big... and I was quite surprised that we got really front row seats... the pitch was really close!!

See... we were so close that we could see the mascot clearly...

Well... the match turned out to be really uneventful... no goals at all... Newcastle drew Everton 0-0... and all the action seems to be on the other side of the field!!!

Anyway... though it was a random trip... it was quite fun although tiring... it must be even more tiring for Nav and Bin Bin who drove there and back!!! Thanks!!!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Addicted to...

CUBES on the Ipod touch...

Now I'm itching to get an Ipod touch...

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Signs of aging?

I chose not to go for the department's end of busy season drinks and instead went home to have dinner and watch tv... somehow I just didn't feel like drinking (even though it's free and unlimited... okay.. unlimited to a certain extent...) and I didn't feel like socialising...

Is this a sign of aging? I used to be all up for this kinda events and usually stay till quite late... but now... I look forward to a night relaxing at home...

Sigh... I think I am getting old... or have my priorities changed? What do I look for now to achieve the so-called "quality of life"? I am not sure anymore...

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


I have internet connection again!!! Finally... I'm connected... at my new place... yes, I have moved!!!

More posts coming soon... and I have lots of back-dated posts to upload as well....

I'm back.

P/S. I have now added some back-dated posts for February... scroll down or check the archive!!!