Playing poker or mahjong becomes a weekly affair
Sometimes, you even play twice a week
And over the long bank holidays weekend, you play on Friday, Saturday, Sunday AND Monday
You go through the trouble of buying and lugging a proper mahjong table all the way from Chinatown
When you go to Argos, you look at poker cloth and when it's out of stock, you want to go home and check which other stores have it in stock
You say that you don't want to spend money but if it's playing poker or mahjong it's alright
You discuss and analyse your game even when you're not playing
You stay late to play even if it means that you have to walk home in the freezing cold
You learn how to play mahjong even when you don't know how to read Chinese
You think of bringing the poker chips and mahjong set with you when you go for a road trip
good one! :P thought about this and realised that everyone, except Chong, is directly related to at least one comment!
argh.. type the above halfway..
anyway.. there must be something for chong........ hm..
Just for the record:
You play poker even though you have chest pains
That is specially dedicated to Chong!
u should play ginrami too... my latest addiction =)
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