After much hassle and some unkind experiences (including an extremely annoying agent, almost having to cancel my moving and a power cut which forced me to be evicted from the flat....), I'm finally settling in to the flat and enjoying every minute of it!
It's really good to be so near to the tube station and supermarket, being near to everyone else, no annoying housemate to bother me, being able to have guests anytime and most important of all, I like the sense of independence and the sense of achievement of having my own flat! (Although it does come with the down side of having to settle everything myself!!)
Let me give you a picture tour of my new flat:
Yes, I finally have a TV after living without one for the last 5 years?? Now I can watch my F1 races and my mum's getting me a DVD player so that I don't have to watch my shows on my computer anymore... just like at home! (Though I wish I have Astro as well!!)
So what do you think of my new flat? ;)
cant wait till i stay there!
looks awesome..and yes love your very clean kitchen!!!
ur bed looks smaller than the previous one.
xiao bai is gone :(
wahhhh ur house is so tidy and clean!! hehe
Yuni: Yeah, I also thought the bed looks smaller!! But it's okaylar..
I know... So sad that Xiao Bai is gone... Sorry that I couldn't tell you earlier.. Mimi made me promise that I won't tell you!
Tai Ka Che: Of course, my house is clean and tidy!! :P
Clare: Yeap, looking forward to have you around soon!
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