We had our first (and hopefully, not the last!!) BBQ during the May Bank holidays a few weeks ago... since the weather was warming up...
The guys took my BBQ pit over to Thame Road in addition to their own pit since they are the only ones who have their own private garden... hehehe... I think this is the first time I ever stepped into their garden since they moved in!
Everyone helping out to prepare the food...
We had lots and lots of food! And Zhi Rui even went to Billingsgate market to get fresh seafood for our BBQ... yum yum yum... prawns, scallops and razor clams!!
Heheheh... me trying to pretend that I'm helping out... first time I don't have to do anything for our gatherings... I just turned up for the food... hehehe... (it's not that I'm lazy ok? I wasn't around!!!)
And the guys actually did most of the stuff including starting up the fire and cooking the food for everyone!!! Hehehe...
Look look... see how everyone swarm for the food when it's ready?? :P
I love BBQs... hopefully, we'll have another one when the weather is nice again! :)

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