No, it doesn't start with N nor does it has 7 letters.
People who annoy me are those who wake everyone else up (and in particular, ME) when they wake up.
Not everyone wants to wake up at 9.30am on a Saturday morning okay?
Saturday, 31 March 2007
People who annoy me
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Tuesday, 27 March 2007
The importance of...
... the middle finger!
Yes, I've never realised how important it is until I broke a glass and cut myself this morning. Sigh, yes... I can't believe what a klutz I was... and to add to my frustration, it wouldn't stop bleeding and I couldn't find a plaster in the whole house... I had blood dripping everywhere and stained my white top... Bleh... also ended up having to go to work with lots of bloody tissues and finally had to nick a plaster from the office's first aid kit! Shame on me!
Throughout the day, I'm being reminded again and again of how important the middle finger is... Can't believe that every other word I type requires the use of the middle finger... I can't open bottles easily without my middle finger... It's difficult to search for things in my bag... Not to mention, cutting, cooking and washing became a real challenge when you try not to make use of the middle finger!
The silver lining? It's the middle finger on my right! Phew...
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Saturday, 24 March 2007
Met up with my cousin today. During one of our conversations, he asked me what were my plans... do I actually plan to live here? He asked me whether I miss being back in Malaysia? For him, after 12 years in Australia, he decided that he missed being home and moved back to Hong Kong to be with his family.
And what he said got me thinking. What do I want? How many more years do I intend to be in London? To be honest, at the moment... I really have no idea. I really do enjoy my work here and am happy to have friends around me. I like my independence and I certainly do appreciate the lifestyle that I have here.
BUT, can I one day call this home? I don't know...
After all, my family's back in KL and I do miss them. There's also friends that I grew up with back home and at the end of the day... it's still HOME, the place where I belong...
I guess I don't have to decide now... but I'm being reminded time and time that I'm not THAT young anymore... OUCH... it ain't easy but then again, whoever says life is easy and straightforward?
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Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Little things to be happy about
Even though they were little things and may not seem significant to anyone at all, they made my day! :) (Especially when I'm feeling very burnt out from working and studying hard!)
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Saturday, 17 March 2007
(It's a real T-shirt that you can actually buy online... one of my colleagues forwarded the link to me... I suppose it's quite a cool T-shirt!)
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Thursday, 15 March 2007
Lies? Pain?
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Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Feng shui
A while ago, my mum was telling me about this article on feng shui and she thinks that I should give it a try. She was saying that there is no harm in trying!!
Since Lady Luck haven't been smiling down on me lately, here goes:
1) You should have a green plant on your desk - okay, this is simple enough got a plant from Tesco.. though I must remember to water it.. :P
2) No sharp objects including staplers and scissors in visible range - this is easy, I've removed them from my cup and hid it in my drawer... though my colleague next to me is complaining that he can't use mine anymore when he can't find his
3) Have a gold bar on your desk?? Hahaha... okay, I made this up... just because I have one on my desk!! 4) Your outbox must be on your right... never on your left... the area on your left should be clear, otherwise it will block all your "chi" away... not much of a problem to me since I'm left handed anyway...
5) You must have a solid object (e.g. a wall or filling cabinet) behind your back to support you. Er... can't see this happening as having something like that behind me will block the walkway... guess I'll have to skip this one...
Okay... I think that's all I remember for now... well... at least I tried right?
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Friday, 9 March 2007
New isn't always better!!
I think I'm suffering from "status quo bias"! (Okay... yes, I'm being geeky here... that is just where people have a marked preference for keeping things as they are... it's one of the findings in behavioural finance!!)
I got this:
to replace this:
Yes, I'm sure anyone who had any recent contact with my 4-year old laptop will say... finally, she's getting rid of it... okay, so it may take ages to start-up... the internet doesn't work properly... I can't install anything new on it... it keeps getting hanged... java script doesn't work on it anymore... the latest version of iTunes is too intensive to work on the limited memory that it has... I can type a whole sentence before it appears on the screen and the battery only lasts for 20 mins??
BUT... it was my faithful companion and source of entertainment for the last 4 years! I wouldn't know what to do without it... I would have probably died of boredom... plus, it's simple and was definitely good enough for me...
Everyone has been telling me how good and cool the new desktop is... but somehow, I seem to be missing my good old laptop... at least it's easy to use and doesn't ask me a thousand questions whenever I try to do something or clicking something... not to mention, it's such a hassle to download and install all the essential software!! I don't even have Microsoft Office at the moment!! (Yes, unfortunately I'm such a geek that spreadsheets are part of my life... I have spreadsheets to do my daily expenses... bleh...)
Sigh... maybe I'm just getting old. All these new technology are getting to me! When I was trying to download the software that I need, only then I realised how old my versions are!!
Wouldn't it be good to keep things as they are?? Why do we always abandon old things for new??
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Sunday, 4 March 2007
Don't look back in anger, I heard you say...
Yes, I'll remember that guys!!
And I'll also remind myself that the 3 most important things in life are:
1. To have something to do
2. To find someone to love
3. To always have something to hope for
I can't remember since when our drinking sessions became so intellectual... we were talking about things ranging from inspirational quotes to ancient civilisation to why october is the 10th month and not the 8th month of the calendar!! That's how the above two quotes came about...
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Chong's birthday celebration
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