Saturday, 24 March 2007


Met up with my cousin today. During one of our conversations, he asked me what were my plans... do I actually plan to live here? He asked me whether I miss being back in Malaysia? For him, after 12 years in Australia, he decided that he missed being home and moved back to Hong Kong to be with his family.

And what he said got me thinking. What do I want? How many more years do I intend to be in London? To be honest, at the moment... I really have no idea. I really do enjoy my work here and am happy to have friends around me. I like my independence and I certainly do appreciate the lifestyle that I have here.

BUT, can I one day call this home? I don't know...

After all, my family's back in KL and I do miss them. There's also friends that I grew up with back home and at the end of the day... it's still HOME, the place where I belong...

I guess I don't have to decide now... but I'm being reminded time and time that I'm not
THAT young anymore... OUCH... it ain't easy but then again, whoever says life is easy and straightforward?


Clare said...

aiyo!! dun decide yet!!...i might...come bak to uk ga!! :) :) :) hehe!

stranger said...

at least you are happy there. rather than being unhappy and far away from home.:(

Anonymous said...

yeah, at least you enjoy it there.. so you mustn't forget to "import" Yuni to London when the time comes, kays?

sh@n said...

Yes, I'm working hard to do just that!

P/s. You can both come and visit me in the summer! I'll be very happy to have both of you around. Food and accomodation will be on me! :)