Friday, 9 March 2007

New isn't always better!!

I think I'm suffering from "status quo bias"! (Okay... yes, I'm being geeky here... that is just where people have a marked preference for keeping things as they are... it's one of the findings in behavioural finance!!)

I got this:

to replace this:

Yes, I'm sure anyone who had any recent contact with my 4-year old laptop will say... finally, she's getting rid of it... okay, so it may take ages to start-up... the internet doesn't work properly... I can't install anything new on it... it keeps getting hanged... java script doesn't work on it anymore... the latest version of iTunes is too intensive to work on the limited memory that it has... I can type a whole sentence before it appears on the screen and the battery only lasts for 20 mins??

BUT... it was my faithful companion and source of entertainment for the last 4 years! I wouldn't know what to do without it... I would have probably died of boredom... plus, it's simple and was definitely good enough for me...

Everyone has been telling me how good and cool the new desktop is... but somehow, I seem to be missing my good old laptop... at least it's easy to use and doesn't ask me a thousand questions whenever I try to do something or clicking something... not to mention, it's such a hassle to download and install all the essential software!! I don't even have Microsoft Office at the moment!! (Yes, unfortunately I'm such a geek that spreadsheets are part of my life... I have spreadsheets to do my daily expenses... bleh...)

Sigh... maybe I'm just getting old. All these new technology are getting to me! When I was trying to download the software that I need, only then I realised how old my versions are!!

Wouldn't it be good to keep things as they are?? Why do we always abandon old things for new??

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