Monday, 15 June 2009

Frankfurt (and Mainz)

Our last destination was Frankfurt ... because this is where Yun will be based for the next few months for her internship... we helped her to move some of her stuff over here from Cologne...

We did a quick stop-over at Mainz before heading to Frankfurt...

Views of river Main...

The town hall in the old town of Mainz...

The main square of Mainz...

Which is probably one of the more touristy area in Mainz as there isn't much there...

That day that was probably the nicest day of our whole trip and temperatures soared up to the mid-twenties... and this of course... means that it's ice-cream time!!!

Everyone enjoying the ice-creams...

After that we headed to Frankfurt.... again, we have been to Frankfurt before so we didn't really do much... not that there is much to see in Frankfurt anyway...

Well, Frankfurt hasn't changed much from the last time we were there... but what about us??

Have we changed??

Now.... and then in 2005...


and back in 2005...

One thing for sure, we are all older... not sure whether we are any wiser though... hahahaha....


stranger said...

btw... the first few pics are of mainz. hahaa. :P

Princezz T said...

yeah lo i wanted to say that too!!

I think i am not just older but also fatter =((((

sh@n said...

Hahaha... no wonder... I was thinking why didn't we visit those places in Frankfurt last time... hehehe...