Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Little things to be happy about

  • Managed to get off work early one evening, had a proper meal and studied efficiently for the rest of the night

  • Presented a talk to the department (there were Partners and Directors in the audience!) and obtained good feedback about it!

  • Wrote a part of a guidance notes for the firm (which would be used in all the offices worldwide!) and not only my manager did not change much of the stuff I wrote, he actually used my style to write the rest of the notes

  • Helped out with a client pitch and the director actually featured MY CV in the proposal for the first time!

  • Had an enjoyable week night outing

  • A friend that I've not seen or spoken to for some time will be coming to London to meet up soon

  • Put a smile on an old lady's face by offering her my seat on the bus

Even though they were little things and may not seem significant to anyone at all, they made my day! :) (Especially when I'm feeling very burnt out from working and studying hard!)


stranger said...

good for you:)
and half of your little things seem like big accomplishments to me:S
anyway, good luck eh!

Clare said...

ooooo good gal!!!
add oil :)
haha sounds great!! i'll get my PWC friends here to look out for your writing!! hehe

miss you gal!!!!