Sunday 18 May 2008

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Okay... you may ask... Ukulele?? What's that???

Hehehe... before this, I have no idea as well... It is actually a small, four course, or four string, re-entrant tuned, plucked chordophone. A ukulele is a bit like a small guitar although the construction details are different and give it a distinctive tone. It is said to originate from Hawaii...

There you go... the whole family of ukuleles! (Of different sizes and hence tunes!)

Anyway... I went for one of their gigs last week because Grace wanted to watch them perform... to be honest, I wouldn't even know that they existed if it's not because she wanted to go...

Apparently, they are quite famous... and have toured to places like America, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Ireland and Japan... they also performed at places like The Royal Festival Hall, Glastonbury Festival, Chicago Chamber Music Festival, The Big Chill, Cropredy, and the Edinburgh Festival.

The orchestra members... with their instruments...

And here are some of the pictures that I took at the gig...

It was surprisingly good and entertaining... I'm glad that Grace dragged me... hehehe... just kidding... I decided to go watch them because I wanted to spend time with Grace... but I ended up enjoying their performance thoroughly and as Grace put it... see, we're not boring people!!! :P


stranger said...

haha i actually know what's an ukulele! :D

(learnt from an anime keke, of all places!)

Anonymous said...

Hey, lucky you, at least you could see them in C# House! That's one thing I am still dreaming of. I was told by their manager, that their gigs in Cecil Sharp House are very special.

If you are interested in information about the Ukes, you can have a look at my website. It provides very detailed information about them in English and German language and there are even videos and photos from one of their rehearsals.

Guess, you know their official website already: